Iron, Cobalt Chlorid, Vitamin  B12





Injection solution






Iron - 100mg; Cobalt chloride - 4mg, Vitamin B12 - 25mg, Injection water - up to 1 ml;



Pharmacological characteristics:



Hierodexin is a sterile solution that contains iron polysaccharide, cobalt and Vitamin B12. It is designed for treatment of anemia in animals. It is used in piglets with iron-deficient anemia, when mothers milk doesn't provide enough amount of iron that is needed for normal development of organism and production of hemoglobin. Hierodexin hinders development of iron-deficient anemia in piglets and other animals. It increases organism immunity. It promotes growth and development of organism.






Swine, cattle and sheep: Hypochromic anemia caused by iron-deficiency, especially in piglets. It is used for increasing resistance against germ diseases (pneumonia, diarhhea);


It is used for treatment of pyroplasmosis in cattle. It is used as a tonic during gestation period;






Injection is made deeply into muscles;


Piglets: Prevention: 1-2ml drug after birth from 2nd to the 4th day; Treatment: 2ml of drug since revealing the signs of anemia or from 7th to 21st day from birth;


Cattle: Grown-ups - 5-10ml; Calves - 3ml;


Sheep: Grown-ups - 3-5ml; Calves - 1ml;



Side effects:



Are not reported;






Are not reported;






Giving of drug to animals must be stopped in case of overdosing and symptom treatment must be carried out.



Withdrawal period:



Isn't needed;






Glass vials of 50ml and 100ml;



Storage conditions and shelf life:



Drug is kept in cool area, which is protected from light and dampness.


Shelf life - 4 years;

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