Dosage form: Per-oral powder, used in veterinary.
Therapeutic Group: Active food additive, productivity stimulator, antibacterial agent.
Target group: Poultry.
Manufacturer country: Coroni,Georgia.
Composition: Mixture of bioactive herbal substances obtained via nanotechnological means.
It is used in poultry
1. It improves growth speed by 5-15%.
2. It increases survival rate in group by 3-4%.
3. It reduces food expenditure and demand on protein and also reduces exchange energy on 1kg overweight by 7-9%.
4. It improves egg incubation level in hens and strength of egg-shell.
5. It increases livability of hens, hatchability rate increases by 3-4%.
6. It improves chemical composition of meat.
7. It improves egg-laying capacity by 4-10%.
8. It reduces egg breaking rate by 3-5%.
9. Food expenditure on 1 kg egg mass is reduced up to 7-10,5%.
10. It acts on digestive systems, it improves efficiency of absorption of useful substances in the organism of poultry.
11. It takes poisonous products of metabolism, radionuclides, toxic hard metals (potassium, lead, mercury etc).
12. It improves absorption of energy by 0,5-3,4% and absorption of crude protein by 2,4-7,2%.
Presentation: The powder is packed in 25kg sacks.
Rules of usage and dosage
Unidas is used with combined food.
Broiler - 50 kg in 1t food.
Egg-laying hens – 30kg in 1t food.
Shelf-life: 2 years.