Dosage form: Peroral powder used in veterinary.


Therapeutic Group: growth stimulator, biologically active additive.

Target species: Animals of all ages and type.


Manufacturer country: BIOVET, S.A. Spain.


Composition: Thymus vulgaris, Allium sativum.




Alquernat Nebsu is a natural growth stimulation agent, which ensures:


-    Improved food conversion;
-    Gain of weight;
-    Low indicator of diarrhea after stopping eating of mother’s milk;
-    Decrease of mortality;


Presentation: 5 and 25kg packs.


Rules of usage and dosage


It is used for animals of any age and any type;


It is given per-orally, dose 0,5kg/t together with food during lifetime of animal.


Storage conditions: It is kept at a dry, cool and dark place in well-closed packages.


Shelf-life: 2 years.


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