Bruvax REV 1

Vaccine for immunization against brucellosis in goats and sheep
Indian Immunological Limited, India


Each dose (1ml) contains antigen of “brucella melitensis Rev. 1 -1ml, maltose solution (40%) – 0.125ml, gelatin solution (10%) – 0.05ml, saccharose solution – (40%) – 0.025ml and phosphate buffer solvent – 0.8ml (quantity – up to 2 liters).

Pharmacological characteristics:

Bruvax Rev1, granulated vaccine includes active bacteria of “brucella melitensis Rev. 1”strain. Light yellow powder contains lyophilized bacteria of “brucella melitensis Rev. 1”strain. Dose of each vaccine contain 0.5 – 4 x 109 active organisms according to B.P. (vet).


Bruvax Rev 1 is a granulated vaccine and it is recommended for immunization against brucellosis in goats and sheep.


Vaccine is injected under skin in the area of dry skin. All precaution is taken against contamination.
Vaccine is recommended for goats and sheep that are up to 4-6 months old. Vaccination is carried out under skin with 1 ml of diluted vaccine.

Dilution and ways of administration:

Lyophilized vaccine must be diluted in cool solvent, which is sold together with the vaccine. Mix the vaccine in the bottle of solvent before injection. After mixing vaccination in carried out with sterile syringe, injection is carried out under the skin area and separate sterile syringe is used for each animal. Don’t keep the used bottle. No side effects were revealed.

Side effects:

If vaccination is carried out correctly, no side effects will be revealed. One vaccination is enough for development of immunity, but vaccine doesn’t ensure full immunity in animals.


Don’t vaccinate pregnant animals. It isn’t used in humans. It is designed for veterinary use only. Keep the vaccine in ice. Use vaccine as soon as it is dissolved. It isn’t recommended to keep dissolved vaccine in freezer or in fridge.

Special directives:

Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 is a zoonotic vaccine. Therefore vaccine must be used with care to avoid vaccination, inhalation and swallowing. Carry out disinfection before disposal of used syringes, bottles, needles and gloves. Keep the vaccine away from children. Vaccine can infect people, especially be means of accidental injection. In such cases relevant treatment must be carried out immediately. Gloves and simple protective eye-glasses must be used during vaccination.

How supplied:

I bottle includes 20 dozes, (frozen and dry) and sterile solvent, 1 bottle – 20ml.

Transportation, storage conditions and shelf life:

Vaccine must be transported and kept at the 20C – 80C temperature. Antigen characteristics of vaccine are reduced, if the temperature goes up the mentioned limit, reduction of features depends on temperature and time.

Shelf life: 12 months. Recommended conditions of storage must be kept (20C – 80C).

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