Alquerfeed Antiox plus

Dosage form: Per-oral powder, used in veterinary.


Therapeutic Group: Mycotoxin adsorbent.


Target species:  Animals and fowl of all type and age.


Manufacturer country: BIOVET, S.A. Spain.


Composition: Synthetic silicate hydrate of  aluminium-sodium-calcium.




It is effective against any type of mycotoxins:

• It is effective for treatment and prevention of problems caused by food contaminated with mycotoxins (enteritis, mycotoxicosis);
• It improves food dygestion, it strongly binds mycotoxins and passes dygestive system so that it doesn’t absorb them;
• It prevents intoxication and damage of liver, hypertrophy, after getting of mycotoxins in human organism.
• It prevents diarrhea;
• It promotes restoration of intestine epithelium;
• It is effective even if administered at a very low doses. It doesn’t absorb other products such as vitamins, enzymes and other medicines;
• It is stable at different levels of pH;
•It doesn’t leave residues in the organism and doesn’t require withdrawal period;
• It improved productivity parameters of an animal.


Presentation: 5kg and 25kg paper sacks.


Rules of usage and dosage

It is given to animals and fowl of all type and age (except for dogs) –administered per-orally by mixing with 0,5kg/t food.


Storage conditions


It is kept at a dry, cool and dark place in properly fastened packages.


Shelf-life: 2 years.


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