
Dosage form: Ointment for external use, used in veterinary.


Therapeutic Group: Fungicide-ectoparasite medicine; 


Target species: animals.


Manufacturer country: Biotecsi, Georgia.


Composition: 1g ointment contains: 0,12 ml kreoline, 0,375g sulphur.




It is used for treatment of different skin diseases of animals: trichophytia, microsporia,  favus, eczema,  dermatitis. It is effective against necrobacillosis, purulent hoof in sheep, psoroptic scab and sarcoptic mange.


Presentation: 20g and 500g polyethylene vials.


Rules of usage and dosage


Ointment is stirred well before usage because components may be deposited in layers after keeping for a long time. It is applied on injured area into thin layers and on 2-4cm around it. Injured site is processed 1-2 times a day. Treatment continues until recovery. After that injured area becomes free and hair starts growing. Microscopic control of injured skin shall be carried out after 10 days. Treatment is repeated after finding of stimulators of diseases.


Storage Conditions


It is kept at dry place that is protected from light at temperature not exceeding 25°C.


Shelf-life:  2 years.


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