Biotecsi, Georgia
Composition: 1 ml solution contains 25mg active substance – toltrazuril. Toltrazuril (methyl [5-(prophysulfanil)-1-benzimidazole-2-il]carbamide) belongs to the group of benzimidazole.
Pharmacological activity: Anti-coccid drug.
Drug is active against coccids (Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunette, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria adenoids, Eimeria meleagrimitis, Eimeria anceris, Eimeria, Eimeria truncate). It is resistant against other anti-coccid drugs. It is moderately toxic for warm-blooded animals. It doesn’t cause side effects and after-effects in poultry after administration of recommended dose and the dose that 10 times exceeds the recommended one. It doesn’t hinder formation of immunity against coccidiosis.
Curing and preventing coccidiosis in broiler, chicken, turkey, goose and duck.
The drug is given to poultry when number of coccids in carpet reaches critical amount (10-20 thousands/grams) and during revealing of clinical signs of disease;
Biococc is given to the poultry for two days together with water. Dose: 7mg toltrazuril (active substance) on 1 kg b/w of bird (28ml 2,5% biococc solution on 100kg b/w of poultry), which equals to 1 ml 2,5% drug solution on 1ml of drinking water. It is given to bird for 24 hours or 3ml 2,5% drug solution on 1ml of drinking water, which is given to poultry for 8 hours during 2 days. In case of severe form of disease treatment course is repeated after 5 days.
Biococc treatment solution is active during 48 hours. If sediment appears, we must shake the bottle well.
Side effects:
No side effects were reported when poultry was given the recommended dose.
Drug isn’t used in egg-laying hens;
Withdrawal time:
Poultry can be slaughtered for meat consumption purposes after 8 days from last administration of drug. If poultry is slaughtered before this period it can be used for production of bones and meat powder.
Special directives:
Drug is compatible with food additives, vitamins and other means of poultry treatment. Personal hygiene and rules of working with veterinary drugs, which are determined by safety technique, must be kept during working on biococc. If drug touches skin or mucous coat it must be washed with water.
How supplied:
Biococc solution is placed in ampoule in the amount of 1 ml and in polyethylene bottles in the amount of 100ml and 1 liter.
Conditions of storage and shelf life:
The drug is kept according to “B” list in a dry area, which is protected from light, at the temperature of 10-250C. Drug must be kept in factory packages that are tightly packed.
Shelf life – 2 years;