Biozan 500

Dosage form: per-oral pills used in veterinary.



One pill contains: 375 mg oxyclozanide, 125mg oxfendazole.


Excipients: starch, lactose, polyethylene glycol 600, talcum, magnesium stearate, polyvinylpyrolidone;


Presentation: 50 and 300 tablets in polyethylene vials.


Therapeutic Group: anti-parasite, antihelminthic agent.

Pharmacological characteristics:


Oxyclozanide is a wide spectrum antihelminth agent of salicylamide group. It is effective against young (immature) and mature parasites. It is used for treatment and prevention of fasciolosis, paramphistomidosis and monieziasis. Mechanism of action of oxyclozanid is based on destruction of oxidizing phosphorous cycle of parasites and reduction of ATP level. It causes destruction of metabolic processes in helminthes, which causes death of parasites. The medicine ensures complete dehelminthization of animals. Oxyclozanid is absorbed slowly. In case of per-oral administration therapeutic concentration in blood plasma reaches in 24 hours. It is excreted via faeces.


Oxfendazole is a wide spectrum antihelminth agent of benzimidazole group. It acts on helminthes at each stage of development of nematodes and cestodes. It is used in case of hemonchosis, ostertagiosis, trichostrongylosis, nematodosis, cooperiosis, esophagostomiasis, bunostomosis, dictyocaulosis and monieziasis. Mechanism of action of oxfendazole is based on blocking of preductal furmarate and energetic destruction of helminth metabolism. The medicine is excreted via urine.




Combination of two wide-spectrum anti-helminth substances (oxyclozanide and oxfendazole) contained by Biozan 500 ensures full dehelminthization of animals.
The medicine is used for treatment of cattle, sheep and goats in case of fasciolosis, paramphistomidosis, monieziasis, dictyocaulosis, hemonchosis, ostertagiosis, trichostrongylosis, nematodyrosis, cooperiosis, esophagostomiasis, bunostomosis;


Rules of usage and dosage:


The medicine is given per-orally and individually to Cattle, sheep and goats:


 – Pharmacological dose oxyclozanide 10-15 mg/ kg live bodyweight, oxfendazole 5-7.5 mg/ kg live bodyweight.


Practical dose: - fasciolosis, dictyocaulosis, hemonchosis, ostertagiosis, trichostrongylosis, nematodosis, cooperiosis, esophagostomiasis, bunostomosis - 1 pill – 35kg live bodyweight Monieziasis, paramphistomidosis, - 1 pill - 25 kg live bodyweight.




 It isn’t recommended to give the medicine to cattle during the first-third of gestation. It shall not be given to weak and diseased animals.


Side Effects


No Side Effects observed in case of correct dosages.


Withdrawal time:


Cattle can be slaughtered for consumption of meat after 28 days from the last administration of medicine and sheep can be slaughtered after 21 days. Milk can be used after 5 days from the last administration of medicine (10 milking).


Storage conditions:


 Keep in dry area that is protected from light at the following temperature: not exceeding 15- 25°С.


Shelf life: 3 years.


Manufacturer country: Biotecsi, Georgia.

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